Design Portfolio


b. 1986, HK.

About me

You can see I am creatively driven person who lights up when a problem is solved by pristine design work. Instead of delving into professional details, let me share more about myself on a personal level.

Positivity defines my outlook on life, and this optimism extends into my professional endeavors. Having called various places home, my journey began in Florida by the beach for 18 years, followed by a 7-year stint in New York City for education and post-graduate pursuits. Amid the Covid chaos, I spent a year in Istanbul, Turkey, and now I find myself in London, working at Cisco. In May 2024, I'll be relocating to Dubai, where I hope to cross paths with the hiring manager reading this!

On a lighter note, I do quite a bit on social media. In 2016, I held the record for having the Longest Legs in America, leading me to amusing places, unique situations, and even my own prime-time documentaries.